
Friday, 5 October 2012

A Crazy Couple of Days

Hello! :) Yesterday, I went to Saltburn with school. Woo!!! It was a geography trip, which makes it slightly less "woo"-ish but oh well it was still better than a day of schoolwork. We weren't allowed ANYWHERE near the sea which annoyed me greatly but we say this adorable miniature Yorkshire terrier called Tilly that was wearing a little red knitted jumper (too cute!!! :D) and I spend £5.30 out of my £8 on one of the nicest fish and chips I have ever had! We also went to Marske afterwards and I found some fossils to add to my very small collection of fossil-ish stuff. It's a small collection but they are all ones I have found myself. :) I had my keyboard lesson afterwards, of course, and it went good. I've got lots of scales to practice for next week ^^. I can do most of them, but doing the C major scale with my left AND right hands with different fingering at the same time is HARD! Aaarrghhh! Today, I have been just constantly yawning and tired, but it was another alright school day. Art was alright. We drew drawings of people in shelters during WW2. Science was alright. We were doing a thing about particle theory which involved me filming Alex, Lucy, Cerys and Freya pretending to be particles and running into each other while Anna blew a hairdryer on them. Oh the fun we have in science! XD Maths was awful. We had an assessment and I only knew how to do a couple of the questions. :( Thank goodness I'm quite good at trigonometry! After lunch, we had French. We talked to this French woman called Charlotte about where we lived and that. It was unbelievably awkward. I didn't have a clue whereabouts my house was in relation to the rest of Darlington, so I had a guess and said it was in south Darlington. Turns out I live on the west side but oh well ^^. Then we had English in the LRC. Sadly that meant something really bad: NO "STONE COLD"!!!! I love that book, it's freaking amazing,but no- instead we had to continue our volcano project. How is that even English?!?! Then it was time for home. So yeah... that has been my day! :)

And please follow me on Instagram! I'm xshelterfromthestorm . Bye!

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