
Wednesday, 19 September 2012

Hello :)

Hello again. Today was fairly decent day at school. Swimming in the morning before school started, playing netball at lunchtime and so on. Nice weather too, even though it was quite cold :( . We got the school trips booklets today too! Wooooo! I'm excited to announce that I might be going to Russia for 11 days in April with school, which will be A-M-A-Z-I-N-G. Either that or France, where you can go canoeing, rock climbing and kayaking for 10 days. Or France and Belgium to look at the WW1 battlefields (I'm quite interested in WW1 and stuff like that, but I think that one might be a wee bit depressing). Either way, looks like I'm going to somewhere exciting next year. And in 2 years time, when I'm in Year 10, I might be able to go to China too! :D It's a lot to look forward to, but sadly no SeaWorld... :(

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